our Sweet Carnations Bouquet is full of color and exudes a sweet fragrance to create that perfect gift of flowers. Hand gathered at select floral farms this bouquet consists of carnations in an array of colors to create a splash of beauty and ruffled texture your special recipient will adore. Picked fresh for you, this gorgeous flower bouquet is set to create a memorable thank you, thinking of you, or happy birthday gift. Bouquet includes: mixed carnations. No Vase. Bouquet is approximately 14-inches in diameter.
- Approximately 14″ diameter
- Free personalized gift message
- Carnation
- Mixed
- Free personalized gift message card included
- 100% Freshness Guaranteed of Red Roses Birthday Anniversary Flowers to USA
- Our experts ensure your bouquets are fresh and will last at least 7 days.
- Fresh Red Roses Birthday, Wedding Anniversary Flowers Online Gift Shop & Couriers Service from Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi to Houston, New York, Texas, New jersey, Dallas, Maryland, Sugarland and allover USA